Unaccompanied Minors

Ανθρωπιστική Διακυβέρνηση
March 30, 2024
Refugees & Migrants
January 04, 2024
Refugees & Migrants
July 27, 2023
Migration in Greece: Recent developments in 2022" - Eda Gemi and Bledar Feta
February 19, 2023
Centers & Facilities
January 12, 2023
Refugees & Migrants
July 05, 2022
Οι εκπρόσωποι των Οργανώσεων της Κοινωνίας των Πολιτών, ζητάμε από την ελληνική Πολιτεία να επιληφθεί του προβλήματος και να θεσπίσει ειδική άδεια διαμονής μέχρι την συμπλήρωση του 21ου έτος της ηλικίας τους - παράλληλα με το δικαίωμα για διεθνή προστασία - για τα ασυνόδευτα παιδιά, καθώς και για όσα από αυτά ενηλικιώνονται.
Humanitarian Governance
February 10, 2022

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, together with sister UN agencies, NGO partners, municipalities and authorities discussed with refugees and asylum-seekers across Greece to identify their main concerns and key recommendations around protection and integration. A regular part of UNHCR’s programming, the Participatory Assessment (PA) provides an opportunity for UNHCR and others to assess the existing humanitarian programmes and adjust future initiatives in line with refugees’ feedback.

Refugees & Migrants
November 16, 2021

The fundamental right to a private and family life is recognised under international and European law. In practice, however, migrants’ enjoyment of their right to family life is often denied or obstructed by flaws in registration and asylum procedures, authorities’ failures to ensure the timely identification, substantiation and submission of family reunification requests, and, most critically, by the continued and knowing bad faith of other EU Member States in their implementation of the Dublin Regulation, through ungrounded or unfair rejections of family reunification requests coming from Greece.